Excellence In Health Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Clinic Blog

Why Injuries Respond to Chiropractic Care in Anchorage

Why Injuries Respond to Chiropractic Care in Anchorage AK

Why Injuries Respond to Chiropractic Care in Anchorage AK No one ever plans to get injured, but injuries can happen at the spur of the moment and without warning. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, a schoolteacher, a retired grandparent, or a young child, injuries are just part of life. Some of them are…

Anchorage Chiropractic Clinic Discusses Herniated Discs

Anchorage AK Chiropractic Clinic Discusses Herniated Discs

Anchorage AK Chiropractic Clinic Discusses Herniated Discs Herniated disc. Slipped disc. Bulging disk. Pinched nerve. You may have heard all these terms to describe severe pain felt in the back. The fact is the worst of the bunch is the herniated disc. Our chiropractor in Anchorage AK may be able to help. The discs are…

Chiropractor in Anchorage Discusses Bulging Discs

Chiropractor in Anchorage AK Discusses Bulging Discs

Chiropractic Clinic In Anchorage AK Discusses Bulging Discs Despite the popularity of the term ‘slipped’ disc, the term is inaccurate. A disc in the spine can not slip, however, they are able to bulge. If you are suffering from the pain of a bulging disc, our chiropractor in Anchorage AK can help. Disc injuries are…

Anchorage Chiropractic Discusses Proper Child Backpacks

Anchorage AK Chiropractic Discusses Proper Child Backpacks

Anchorage AK Chiropractic Discusses Proper Child Backpacks Children grow so quickly. As they are growing their bones and muscles are susceptible to temporary backaches, joint pain, and muscle strains. Do your part to ensure your kids never start on the long road of back-related problems and choose the right backpack for them. Our Anchorage AK…

Chiropractic Anchorage AK Child and Mother

Is Chiropractic in Anchorage AK Right for Children?

Is Chiropractic In Anchorage AK Right For Children? Every parent ultimately wants their child to live a healthy life. Unfortunately, many of them are unaware of the benefits that chiropractic care can provide in terms of an improved immune system and resistance to certain health conditions. Our chiropractor in Anchorage AK explains how chiropractic care…

Opt for Chiropractic Care in Anchorage AK

Opt for Chiropractic Care in Anchorage AK

Opt For Chiropractic Care In Anchorage AK Chiropractic care provides amazing results for a myriad of conditions. It has proven to provide relief for the back, help babies sleep better, stop migraines in their tracks, and more! Simply visiting a chiropractor, even without symptoms, can be beneficial to your health. If you find the right…