Can Neck Misalignment Cause Headaches? How A Chiropractor Can Help
Can Neck Misalignment Cause Headaches? How A Chiropractor Can Help

Neck misalignments are common among people and cause minor injuries that become bigger as time goes on. You can suffer from misalignments when the upper cervical spine is twisted, turned, or shifted out of place. As the spine houses the spinal cord, which controls the whole body, the most minor misalignments can cause pain, illness, chronic diseases, or a variety of disorders.
Some people will suffer from headaches that won't go away if their vertebrae are misaligned. So, should you go to a chiropractor to fix it? This article will show you the causes, symptoms, and treatments for neck misalignment.
Are you experiencing chronic headaches from neck misalignment? Get the relief you need from Excellence In Health Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Clinic today.
What Is Neck Misalignment and How Can It Cause Headaches?
Neck misalignment is caused when the vertebrae in your neck are out of place. The atlas or C1 supports your skull and attaches it to the rest of the spine. It has a ring shape and is unique compared to the rest of the vertebrae in your body.
The atlas is an essential part of the spine since the brain stem extends through the center of the ring before becoming the spinal cord. When the atlas is misaligned, it can sometimes indicate that the ring has started to tilt to one side or the other. Pressure begins to build on the spinal nerves that run from the top of your neck, around the back of your head, and to the forehead, which can cause headaches.
Another cause of headaches could come from the occiput. This is the bone at the base of your skull that is a passage for the brain stem and spinal cord. The occiput forms the movable atlantooccipital joint that can be adjusted. Headaches can start to form the back of the head, which is similar to headaches caused by misalignment. These are often referred to as occipital neuralgia.
The lower cervical spine, or bottom portion of your neck, can lead to cervicogenic headaches. Although the nerves from this portion of the neck don't run up to the head, the muscles of your shoulders run to the base of your skull. If they become tight, they can pull on the bottom of your skull and lead to headaches.
What Can Cause Neck Misalignment?
There are several reasons why your neck may be misaligned. One common cause is due to car accidents and whiplash. A collision as slow as five mph can cause injury as your head is thrown forward and backward or hyperextended from side to side.
Many misalignment injuries can go undiagnosed. People may assume they are healed after the swelling resulting from whiplash goes down and range of motion returns. However, while ice, bed rest, and time can reduce swelling, they won't realign your neck.
Poor posture can also cause neck misalignment. Your neck strains to balance the weight of your head, which is about 10 to12 pounds. Leaning your neck forward all day long at a desk or frequently using a mobile device can cause tremendous strain on your vertebrae.
Sports-related injuries can also be a cause of neck misalignment. Contact sports frequently result in concussions and lead to a high probability of taking the upper cervical spine out of alignment. Besides football, soccer, and hockey, other sports, such as horseback riding, skiing, and board sports, can also result in spinal injuries.
Stress and toxins can cause your neck muscles to tighten and result in discomfort. Some may attempt self-adjustments, which can cause misalignments of the vertebrae.
Falling can also cause misalignments in your body to build up. Children need to get their upper cervices checked for optimal growth and development. Newborns may sometimes need realignment as neck misalignments can be caused by the stress of birth.
Do you suspect that your neck has been misaligned after an injury? Contact Excellence in Health to help.
What are the Symptoms and Side Effects of Neck Misalignment?
Some people may notice immediate pain or discomfort after an injury or repetitive trauma, while others can go decades without realizing their neck is out of alignment.
Since the upper cervical spine is close to the brain stem, the side effects of neck misalignment can range from minor to severe. The most common reported symptoms can include numbness, tingling, pain, stiffness, and weakness in and around the neck. It can also cause:
- Nausea and/ or vomiting
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light or sound
- Pain in one or both arms
- Mobility difficulties
Many people have experienced painful headaches, but these typically go away within a relatively short period. However, reoccurring headaches can be debilitating and cause a change in moods or personality.
If neck alignment goes untreated, it can cause more severe side effects, such as headaches, migraines, sinus issues, vertigo, seizures, TMJ, fatigue, eye problems, hearing issues, immune system problems, chronic illnesses, and more. Long-term spinal cord compression can also cause neurological problems, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and trigeminal neuralgia.
How Can You Ease Neck Misalignment Headaches?
Although realigning your neck will help significantly with the pain of headaches and muscle aches, there are a few ways to ease the pain.
Applying an ice pack or cold compress to the affected area can numb and help alleviate the pain. If your muscles hurt, you can apply heat to your shoulders and neck area to relax the muscles. Gently massaging the back of the neck periodically can also help reduce your stress and discomfort.
If you are experiencing a headache, lie down to rest in a quiet space. Use a small towel or pillow to support your neck without pushing your head forward. It's also advised to avoid bright lights and noise.
How Can A Chiropractor Help?
If you suspect that you have a neck misalignment, it's essential to seek treatment. A chiropractor can help safely realign your neck to get rid of the symptoms, including chronic headaches.
Chiropractors can realign your neck in several ways. Some may use their hands or specialized equipment like a table to help readjust precisely and safely.
After your neck has been realigned, there may be some discomfort as your body readjusts to its normal state. There may be soreness in your muscles or spinal joints, but they're normal.
After the adjustment, you can see a few benefits:
- Neck pain relief
- Alleviated headaches and migraines
- Relieves back pain, sometimes lower back pain
- Releases muscle tension
- Restores the range of motion
- Can improve the quality of sleep
It's important to note that you may not have immediate pain relief after the realignment. Some people may have a quick recovery, while others take longer to get rid of their symptoms.
You can also do some exercises on your own to help, in addition to receiving care. Doing posture exercises reduces the stress on your vertebrae and helps prevent misalignment over time. Reducing stress can help your neck and headaches, as well as your overall bodily health.
Visit Excellence In Health to Realign Your Neck
Our chiropractors at Excellence in Health use gentle, proven methods to adjust your neck and address any misalignment. By analyzing your upper cervical spine, they can identify what is causing your pain and headaches, all while avoiding medications. Whether caused by car accidents, sports, or anything else, trained professionals at Excellence in Health can help you return to a pain-free life.
Ready to relieve your pain? Contact Excellence in Health to see what they can do for you.

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Excellence In Health Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Clinic
2008 E Northern Lights Blvd #100
Anchorage, AK 99508